Preisverleihung Stadtwerke 18.07.2024

The art classes of Valeria Mengozzi and Tara Schreiber, 4Da, 4Db, and 4E, participated in the art contest given by the Stadtwerke Karlsruhe. The theme was “Water is Precious” (Wasser ist Wertvoll)” and the contest was open to all children in class 4. There were 691 participants from over 27 different schools. Each participant received a plush toy keychain.

Damir Burzew, Elea Helbig, and Pranika Pravin Narkhedkar were 3 out of the 30 prize winners in this year’s art contest. Each child got the chance to talk about their artwork and celebrate their achievement. They won wonderful prizes and can be very proud!