Οι μαθητές του Νηπιαγωγείου Νέστωρ Μπάουμαν και Στέλλα Αγγέλη δραματοποίησαν το ... Weiterlesen
Οι Έλληνες μαθητές του νηπιαγωγείου μας, έδωσαν σάρκα και οστά στους δικούς τους Τ... Weiterlesen
Rou: Primăvara este întâmpinată cu mult drag în România. Facem, dăruim, purtăm mărțișoare și zâmbete, bucurându-ne de primele flori, pr... Weiterlesen
Each year, the SWALS students gather on the European Day of Languages and work on a project that celebrates the diversity and beauty of each language ... Weiterlesen
On the 25th of March 1821 the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire began. Today we mark 200 years since that historical day! Our Greek students... Weiterlesen
You think you´re an expert in languages? You have 3 Rounds to test yourself! Enjoy! Eva Chatzirafailidou SWALS... Weiterlesen