On Friday, the opening ceremony of the exhibition « Otto von Habsburg – His life and legacy » took place in the secondary school. The exhibi... Lire plus
Presentation Invitation Online-Informationsabend für Neuanmeldungen: 30. Januar 2025 um 18.00 Uhr Die Europäische Schule Karlsruhe lädt am 30. Janu... Lire plus
Einladung zur Ausstellung „Otto von Habsburg – Sein Leben und Erbe“ Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren, wir laden Sie herzlich zur feierlichen Eröff... Lire plus
We are pleased to announce that this year’s Burundi Run, our annual charity event, was a great success! Together, we raised €10,181, which will be... Lire plus
During the European day of languages, children travelled in several countries and discovered different languages. Thank you to the parents who made th... Lire plus
Well done to all of our fantastic students who took part in the Mini Marathon on 14th September at the Carl Kaufmann stadium in Karlsruhe! Over 200Â... Lire plus