Am 10. Mai ist das Blasorchester der Europäischen Schule Karlsruhe zur Europäischen Schule Varese gefahren, um dort 2 Konzerte und 2 Workshops zu ha... Lire plus
4th Year Economic students manged to raise €261.13 through their sale of refreshments on the evening of the 9th of May at the Alice in Wonderland pr... Lire plus
The S6 and S7 Theatre students presented ‘Alice in Wonderland’ on Tuesday 9th May to primary and secondary students (matinée) and to parents (eve... Lire plus
Europe Day on 9 May was also celebrated musically at our school. After the brass classes S1-S2-S3 first played the European anthem in the spring-like ... Lire plus
Die Bläserklassen haben Mitte Mai für drei Tage eine musikalische Reise zur Europäischen Schule Varese unternommen. Die Bläserklasse S3, zur Komp... Lire plus
11 Uhr: Start des Burundi-Laufes durch Philipp am Roten Platz.... Lire plus