Mila Stojanovic erreicht einen ersten Platz beim 35. Landeswettbewerb der Mathematik! Der Landeswettbewerb Mathematik wird in mehreren Runden aus... Lire plus
La section francophone vous présente sa gazette n°1 La gazette francophone... Lire plus
The Eco-classes S4 and S5 organised a raffle. They collected over 100 prizes and thanks to teachers, parents and children from the school we raised â‚... Lire plus
Die Europäische Schule Karlsruhe lädt zu einem öffentlichen Infoabend am 18.01.2022 um 18.30Uhr für alle interessierte Eltern ein, um unsere päda... Lire plus
Former ESK Student, Laura Barber, published a book aimed at 6-12 years old. We wish her a lot of success with her publication and would like to cong... Lire plus
Dear parents of P5 to S5, dear sponsors! After a long two years, the EUROPEAN SCHOOL KARLSRUHE was finally able to run again for Burundi. On a sunny a... Lire plus