The BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) project has, since September 1st 2021, been extended to all students in cycles 2 and 3 (S4 to S7). Every student brin... Lire plus
Every year the cover of the school diary is designed by the pupils in art class. A vote is held to select the best idea. This year, the students in th... Lire plus
On the 25th of March 1821 the Greek Revolution against the Ottoman Empire began. Today we mark 200 years since that historical day! Our Greek students... Lire plus
Schwierige Zeiten verlangen nach kreativen Lösungen. In der S5 sollte in Physik die Dichte wiederholt und dazu ein Schülerpraktikum durchgeführt we... Lire plus
In our final student visit to Strasbourg from the 5th to the 11th May 2019, we met students and teachers from the secondary schools of Sweden (Malgoma... Lire plus
After months of preparation and anticipation, twelve students from years 5 to 7 took the train to participate in the yearly Model European Council ev... Lire plus