News : Secondary

Dans le cadre du challenge-Programme LEGIO VIII en S1 de Mme Le Gall en collaboration avec M. Scheer, les élèves ont étudié toute l’année l... Read More


Published on 06/27/2023
Categories Secondary

The S6 and S7 Theatre students presented ‘Alice in Wonderland’ on Tuesday 9th May to primary and secondary students (matinée) and to parents (eve... Read More

Alice in Wonderland. 9.5.23

Published on 05/24/2023
Categories Secondary

Europe Day on 9 May was also celebrated musically at our school. After the brass classes S1-S2-S3 first played the European anthem in the spring-like ... Read More

Bläserklasse Europatag

Published on 05/22/2023
Categories Secondary