
Vom 7.3-9.3.22 fand unser gemeinsames Projekt zum Thema Karlsruhe in der P3 statt. Die Kinder konnten verschiedene Stationen besuchen und konnten so d... Read More

Project P3: Karlsruhe

Published on 03/10/2022
Categories Primary

Mrs Schreiber’s P4 European Hours classes created peace doves based on Picasso’s drawing from 1961. Mrs Schreibers P4 Europäische Stunde Klasse... Read More

Peace Doves

Published on 03/10/2022
Categories Primary

In February the theme for the Harmonic Tower, was caring and love. In 4E we thought about how we could show that we care about other people. We made c... Read More

Harmonic Tower, 4E

Published on 03/7/2022
Categories Primary

Rund um das Thema “Wasser und Wärme” experimentierte die Klasse 2Db mit Glaskolben, Thermometern und Tauchsiedern, lernte den Herrn Celsi... Read More

Experimente der 2Db

Published on 03/7/2022
Categories Primary