On Thursday March 20, secondary school students had the pleasure of taking part in Känguru der Mathematik, an international mathematics competition designed to promote interest in the subject among students. The competition, which originated in Australia, was introduced in Germany in 1995 and takes place every year on the third Thursday in March. (mathe-kaenguru.de)
The Känguru der Mathematik is a multiple-choice quiz comprising 24 to 30 questions of increasing difficulty, depending on the grade level of the participants. Students have 75 minutes to solve these problems, without the aid of calculators, which encourages logical reasoning and creativity.
This year, 94 students from our high school, from grades 6 to 12, rose to the challenge by taking part in this stimulating event. We would like to express our deep gratitude to the Parents’ Association, who generously underwrote the registration fees for all participants, enabling everyone to enjoy this enriching experience.
Special thanks to Mr. De Filippi, who efficiently coordinated and organized the competition within the school.
The results of the competition will be announced shortly, and we look forward to celebrating our students’ achievements. In the meantime, congratulations to all participants for their commitment and enthusiasm for mathematics!